
Project Scope & Technical Domain

  Project Scope Basic The system shall be able to provide the basic detection techniques so as to secure the systems present in the networks that are directly or indirectly connected to the Internet.   Performing such a duty always goes in hand on hand diving success as well as failure in fulfilling the objective. As well as making it available in Java platform. Intermediate The system shall undergo the 3 phases in which is identify, alert and restore/fix the system based on what it is detected in the internet or network. Advance The system shall then store the specific infiltrated virus in its library or server to serve as a knowledge for the system to prevent it from happening again. Technical Domain Technical Requirement Front End: Java Tool To Use: JFrameBuilder/WindowBuilder Operating System: Windows 10 Hard Disk: 20 GB RAM: 512 MB DD RAM

Research Design Table

Research Design Table Research Questions Research Objective Method Outcome/Result What are the improved system attributes that your system provide? To study the improvable attribute in IDS. Literature Review Improvable attributes -         Security -         Reliability -         Availability What are the potential area that your IDS will help in? To design and develop the IDS system Expert Review Conceptual Review (Based on reality) Prototype How effective is the improvable attribute for the IDS system when conducted in the operating platform? To test effectiveness of the attributes in the IDS system. Experimental Testing To improve the prototype and enhance the features of it as well as to stabilize it.

Functional & Non-Function Requirements

1.1 Functional Requirement In this section, we will explain certain common fundamental functions of the intrusion detection system as such as monitoring the main system for any intruding or suspicious activities, alerting person in charge regarding the current situation of being attacked by a malicious user or so and as well as taking actions by displaying the possible action for the user to take while the attack is in action or to set up another layer of security to counter the virus and prevent it from ever happening again. For each function, we will give a short brief and description regarding the how the flow of events that will trigger it and what will happen afterwards. 1.1.1     Detect IDS is able to detect any oncoming attack infiltration/intrusion by any malicious user or software and immediately take action by notifying the user and generating a report based on the attack which concludes the time of the attack, the type of attack and so on. 1.1.2     Report Once

Research Backgrounds

Research Background This project will be anomaly based, which is an intrusion detection system for detecting both network and computer intrusions and misuse by monitoring system activity and classifying it as either if its normal or malicious intent. Intrusion detection system these days has been too enhanced. Thus the user friendliness of existing IDS system now are far too complicated for any young developers who plan to learn and study or even use the existing IDS system as a simulation for the final year project. These days, existing IDS all around the world have commonly process 3 instructions which are to detect any intrusions or malicious attack and then after on to alert the head of security or the person/user in charge and then wait for them to act, and lastly to adapt to the kind of malicious intent and prevent it from ever happening again. Therefore, this projects minimizes and reduced the actions of the IDS system and allows user to have lesser features
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Intrusion Detection System

INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system that monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and issues alert when such activity is discovered. Detection and reporting is the primary function, some intrusion detection systems are capable of taking actions when malicious activity or anomalous traffic is detected, in which includes blocking traffic sent from suspicious IP addresses.  Although intrusion detection system monitor networks for potentially malicious activity, they are also prone to false alarms. Consequently organizations need to fine-tune their IDS system when they first install them or constantly update it. This would mean properly configuring their intrusion detection system to recognize what normal traffic on their network looks like compared to potentially malicious activity.  BENEFITS  Intrusion detection systems offer organizations a number of benefits, starting with the ability to identify security incidents. An IDS