Functional & Non-Function Requirements

1.1 Functional Requirement

In this section, we will explain certain common fundamental functions of the intrusion detection system as such as monitoring the main system for any intruding or suspicious activities, alerting person in charge regarding the current situation of being attacked by a malicious user or so and as well as taking actions by displaying the possible action for the user to take while the attack is in action or to set up another layer of security to counter the virus and prevent it from ever happening again. For each function, we will give a short brief and description regarding the how the flow of events that will trigger it and what will happen afterwards.

1.1.1    Detect

IDS is able to detect any oncoming attack infiltration/intrusion by any malicious user or software and immediately take action by notifying the user and generating a report based on the attack which concludes the time of the attack, the type of attack and so on.

1.1.2    Report

Once intrusion has be detected, the system will then start to collect information regarding as to what it does and how to counter it. All analysis on the intruding virus will be recorded and compiled together and be generated in a report. After the report is generated the system will use a pop-up to alert the person in charge, this will also let them know what is happening and give them the ability to download the report.

1.1.3    Download

The IDS after generating the report it will provide the user in charge to have the authorization to download the report pertaining the intrusion giving them multiple information.

1.2  Non-Functional

-        System will be able to Detect any infiltration by malicious user when the system is being attacked.

-        System will be able to obtain information regarding the infiltration. For example the time and date of the infiltration and the number of virus injected or used.

-        System will be able to provide accurate and adequate information to user in charge with a full report.

-        System will be able to take action and provide recommendations for the user to take like restoration, reset, etc.
