Intrusion Detection System

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system that monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and issues alert when such activity is discovered. Detection and reporting is the primary function, some intrusion detection systems are capable of taking actions when malicious activity or anomalous traffic is detected, in which includes blocking traffic sent from suspicious IP addresses. 

Although intrusion detection system monitor networks for potentially malicious activity, they are also prone to false alarms. Consequently organizations need to fine-tune their IDS system when they first install them or constantly update it. This would mean properly configuring their intrusion detection system to recognize what normal traffic on their network looks like compared to potentially malicious activity. 
Intrusion detection systems offer organizations a number of benefits, starting with the ability to identify security incidents. An IDS can be used to help analyze the quantity and types of attacks, and organizations can use this information to change, upgrade or enhance their security system or implement a more effective controls. An intrusion detection system can also help companies identify bugs or problems with their network device configurations. these metrics can then be used to assess future risk.


  1. This is good! Can this apply on cloud servers?

  2. Nice, looking forward for the implementation.

  3. very impressive ! would like to know more

  4. Very interesting, would it be something like how anti-virus or anti-malware program?

  5. Interesting! The writer shd be knowledgable

  6. That is a very good idea ... but some forms of attack are not easily recognized by NIDS.. for example, Encrypted Packets.. Think a way to solve that too

  7. Excellent blog, very clear and easy to get the point that u are addressing in the blog...

  8. Very interesting! The blog is very easy to understand

  9. Would love to read more articles like this that gives me something to ponder about


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